
Different File Formats

AsiaLocalize’s experienced linguists translate your documents regardless of their formats, and professionally transfer the document from one format to another based on your business needs. We provide our services in almost all file formats including: .txt, .pdf, .doc, .docx .cvs, .xls, .ods, .xlsx, .odt, and .pptx.

Types of Documents
We Translate

We translate different types of documents from English to Asian languages, and from different Asian languages to English. We translate all types of documents, including:

Newspapers – Educational materials – Legal filings – Birth certificates

Public notices – Financial reports – Pharmaceutical materials – Website text

Software-related documentation – Magazines – Divorce decrees – Contracts

Transcripts – Medical records – Marketing brochures – Judicial rulings

Safety notices and zillions of other documents ? paper and online – Books – Blogs

Licenses – Emails – Correspondence Diplomas – Government documents

Technical manuals – Advertisements


Because AsiaLocalize is based in Malaysia, our teams are well-aware of the different Asian cultures and they tailor the localized document to be relevant to your target audience. AsiaLocalize only chooses translators based on our strict selection criteria. Our translators should be native Asian languages speakers, who obtain formal relevant education and training. Additionally, our linguists should have sufficient experience in the subject field and all project requirements. We choose translators who are experts with diverse skills using variety of tools such as translation memories and CAT tools as well as handling various file formats.

Want to start your translation now! Our team is glad to receive your project.
How to Get Document Translation Service (CTA)