Accurate, Consistent Translation Quality Assurance Services
AsiaLocalize provides you with a professional translation quality assurance to ensure the consistency and accuracy of your projectâs translated and localized content. We have an efficient translation management system and coherent revision cycle through which we check the stylistic, linguistic, grammatical, and semantic sides of your translated project. Our teams fix all the errors and inconsistencies in the content to ensure flawless turnarounds for your target audience.
Quality Assurance Tools
At AsiaLocalize, we use advanced translation tools, style guides, and glossaries in order to guarantee an outstanding final product. Throughout our language services, we use CAT tools to boost quality. Our translators regularly update translation memories (TM) after each project we complete for you. Our translation services employ many QA tools including Phoenix, LTB, QA distiller, and many more.
The translation and localization of your content can be worrisome. The translation is not only about the act of putting the content in another language, but every step from receiving your content until delivering it counts. With an experienced team and a rigorous translation quality assurance process, you can rest assured that your project will be localized in high quality and within perfect timing.
AsiaLocalize team is confident that the perfect quality lies in the process,
therefore we developed a rigorous translation QA process that goes as follows:
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between translation QA & QC?
Translation quality control (QC) and QA are both part of the quality management system. QA relates to the process and it aims to prevent defects. Meanwhile, QC mainly focuses on identifying any defect in the techniques, approaches, and processes designed.
How do you ensure quality in your translation?
Throughout our translation QA process, translators, reviewers, and proofreaders coordinate to ensure the quality meets the ISO 17100:2015 international standards, which guarantees the highest quality possible.