Proofreading and Sign-Off Services

Get exceptional proofreading and sign-off services to deliver flawless multilingual content to your Asian-speaking region and measure up to high international standards.

Professional Proofreading and Sign-Off Services

AsiaLocalize provides ISO-certified proofreading and sign-off services to give your multilingual content the accessibility and appeal you need. Be it a critical or slight translation error, our highly experienced native-speaking, in-country proofreaders and subject-matter experts will spot any mistakes in your customer-facing content on the spot, helping you achieve the impact you aspire for on your global audiences.

Our experts are well prepared to be your loyal language supporter and gateway to the Asian world. We have your back with a worldwide network of proofreading and editing experts who have an extraordinary eye for detail and are tech-savvy to leverage the most advanced technologies, such as translation memories and specialized glossaries, in addition to international writing style guides as well as your own, efficiently and competently. 

Editing and Proofreading Services: Accuracy Guaranteed

For over a decade, AsiaLocalize has been helping businesses and individuals to tap into Asian countries with accurate translations, ensuring that nothing is missed or overlooked along the way. Being this long in the industry has made us one of the most trusted language partners of choice in the Asian-speaking regions.

Whether you need editing and proofreading as a stand-alone service or integrated into the translation process, our professional editors are on call to meet your tightest deadlines. Our proofreaders review your document to adjust spelling and grammatical errors and ensure that the content is natural-sounding to the target audience. They also check terminology, references, style, tone, and more to preserve the essence of the source content. Also, they will ensure that the translations flow naturally and are relevant to the target Asian audience and cultural sensitives.

Linguistic Sign-Off for a Flawless-Quality Translated Project

We deliver Linguistic Sign-Off (LSO) as a step integrated into the translation process or as a stand-alone service to choose whatever suits your business and timeline. After the DTP and proofreading, all types of content and visual elements like graphics, layout, font, headings, images, figures, and more will be checked to ensure that it confirms to your publications requirements.

Then comes LSO. You can consider linguistic sign-off as a final quality control step to world-class, relevant, visually-appealing multilingual content. A crucial step that allows you to confidently enter your target market and speak to your potential customer in a way that respects his language and culture and inspires trust in your brand.

AsiaLocalize’s Proofreading and Sign-Off Services

No matter your industry, our competent editors and proofreaders are ready to use their long-standing subject-matter expertise to overcome any challenges and obstacles along the way and deliver the most reliable results in the fastest turnaround times. Powered by the best proofreaders and editors in Asian countries and our up-to-the-minute translation tools, we proofread all sectors and a wide range of documents and services, including:

  • Research Papers
  • Admissions Essays
  • Academic Research 
  • Personal Documents
  • Journal Articles & Dissertations
  • Term Papers
  • White Papers
  • Medical Records
  • Transcripts
  • Reports
  • ebooks
  • Legal Filings
  • Contracts
  • Proposals
  • Marketing Materials
  • Websites
  • Books
  • Public Notices
  • Judicial Rulings
  • Press Releases
  • And More..