Foolproof Book Translation Services

Prepare your book to invade international markets through AsiaLocalize book translation services. Share your art and knowledge with the world, grow your readership, and generate more sales.

Professional Teams of Experts

With AsiaLocalize, you can rest assured that you’ll have access to the best translators in the industry. We rely on our expert linguists who, besides being native-speaking translators, have extensive subject-matter expertise to handle your book’s subject area with the utmost professionalism and focus on conveying your book in the most faithful and precise manner.

Additionally and to meet our established quality standards as well as your quality expectations, our professional teams work within a rigorous 3-Tier Review process of translation, editing, and proofreading. Performed by different but equally specialized translators, the 3-Tier Review process is designed to produce book translations where the only thing lost in translation is every possible instant of mistranslation of any kind. Not only that, but our review process ensures that the final outcome preserves the essence of your book and fully adheres to your own standards and requirements.

AsiaLocalize’s Multilingual Desktop Publishing Services

In the book publishing industry, DTP services (desktop publishing) are indispensable when preparing your book for entering new markets, requiring cultural-friendly formatting that fits in with the audience’s style preferences.

At AsiaLocalize, we are equipped with our professional DTP experts and designers with cutting-edge DTP tools at their disposal to handle and format any book with any requirements. Whether you want to preserve the original’s aspects (format, layout, etc.) or design a different version, we got your back.

AsiaLocalize’s Professional Book Translation Services

Whether you want to translate short stories or have a literary translation, Asialocalize has your back. We provide our clients with the best book translation services at the most affordable prices. We support you in whatever sector you share your knowledge and thoughts in. We cover an extensive range of book types, including but isn’t limited to:

  • Literature
  • Academic books
  • Educational Books
  • Fiction
  • Encyclopedia
  • Theological Books
  • Life Science & Medical Books

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Advantage of Translating a Book?

The most apparent benefit of translating your book and book publishing worldwide is gaining access to new markets and broadening your readers’ base, positively impacting your book sales.

How Much Does It Cost To Get a Book Translated?

Book translation services’ prices are determined by many factors, including the language combination, book’s volume and type, turnaround, and additional separate services (such as template and cover designing and book indexing.)