Korean Document Translation: Why Do You Need Professional Help?

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Planning to tap into the rich Korean-speaking market with your original English content version will be the wrongest call you will ever take on your way to the global world.

58% of Koreans speak English of any level, according to Talk Talk Korea! You are misreading the whole thing if you think it’s a vast number. And as being said, “if you mismeasure it, you will manage it wrongly,” especially in the Korean world. According to CSA Research, 76% of online customers buy products and services if their information is displayed in their native language, and 40% will never buy from a website in a foreign language.

And with over 78 million Korean speakers worldwide, you will miss an ample opportunity to speak another language rather than the Korean language. Also, in view of the fact that many businesses are pivoting toward the Korean-speaking regions in our present days, there is a massive rise in the demand for high-quality Korean translation services.

And we don’t have to mention that competing with big Korean local players in English will cost you a lot, maybe your whole reputation and the Korean customers’ trust. And here, we don’t talk only about localizing your online presence, which means translating your website and app. Still, Korean document translation services are imperative when establishing a business in the Korean region and facilitating and achieving effective communications with Korean stakeholders, customers, and local partners. Let’s talk about the details!

This post will list the reasons behind the need to invest in Korean document translation services. Also, we will describe the logic behind needing professional translation and localization help, especially with the Korean language.

Why is Korean Document Translation Necessary?

As mentioned above, growing (as a business) in the Korean-speaking regions will only be possible if you professionally adapt your message and style to the Korean audience’s preferences and make them feel at home, especially in a highly competitive market such as Korea, where LG, Samsung, and Hyundai (to name a few) are some of the big names.


Here are the reasons behind the importance of Korean document translation services:

  • Seamless Business Operations

With many documents coming back and forth under any business roof, Korean translation is a must when operating in Korean-speaking regions. It helps establish effective and smooth communications with Korean native workers, partners, stakeholders, etc.

In other words, to save time and additional costs from any typical misunderstandings resulting from the language barriers and satisfy all business parties’ needs, you should take Korean document translation seriously and embed it in your expansion strategy.

  • Solid Communications With Your Korean Target Custome

In order to establish solid communications with your audience base in Korea, you should invest in Korean document translations. Everything will be settled and clarified from the outset with clear and to-the-point paperwork, such as software-related documentation, safety notices, technical manuals, marketing brochures, user manuals, and much more.

  • One Step Ahead of the Market Competition

Usually, many foreign businesses enter Korea’s competition without considering the importance of English to Korean translation services. So, if you go the opposite way, it will pay off more than it costs. There is no chance to do it wrong with professionally translated Korean documents and reliable translation work.

  • Strong Business Reputation

There is no getting around the fact that translation isn’t about finding a corresponding word in the target language. It’s how to find a link between two texts from two different worlds (languages) so that the source content’s meaning is conveyed in a way that resonates with the target audience’s thoughts, customs, religion, and so on.

The slightest typo and linguistic or cultural error in a document translation can be distractive, offend your audience, and jeopardize your business, destroying your reputation for as long as people can remember.

  • Gain Your Potential Customer’s Trust

Giving your potential customer the ability to access vital information, such as user manuals, in his mother tongue gives you a critical edge: winning over your target clients through trust. And that will undoubtedly be translated into your revenue, bringing a drastic hike in your conversion rates chart.

In fact, Korean translation activities will also evoke your Korean customer to return to your business again, increasing your retention rates and, consequently, your sales.

Refer to whitepaper part
AsiaLocalze’s Free Infographic About Korean Language Secrets

Reveal now some of the Korean language secrets that you should know with AsiaLocalize

Why is It Indispensable to Hire a Korean-Based Translation Company?

In the Korean document translation process, translators don’t only covey a meaning from one language to another but also take care of other cultural, design, and layout aspects. So, it’s all about creating a complete experience (represented in a written form) in a natural-sounding way for the target audience without deviating from the source’s purpose.

Korean document translation requires much more than just multilingual linguistic abilities. So, even if you or your translator has a keen understanding of both your language and Korean and exceptional translating skills, there will be potential obstacles in dealing with your document translation projects on your own.

Only a translation agency with a massive team of professional Korean translators and testers, project managers, and DTP specialists in your industry, cutting-edge translation tools, and certified translation and quality control processes will provide you with expert Korean document translation and the fastest turnaround times. Here are the reasons behind the need for professional help to create a Korean version of your documents:

  • Linguistic & Cultural Expertise

As one of the most complex languages worldwide, the Korean language comes with its own set of challenges, such as the Korean honorifics, which means that Korean people have various levels of formality.

And in order not to offend the Koreans in one way or another, your translators should be native Korean speakers to understand the nuances of the language. Hiring a specialized Korean translation and localization company will keep you away from such mistakes, be it linguistically or culturally.

Any reputable translation agency hand picks their native Korean translators based on their long experience, hands-on expertise, unique skills, and educational qualifications in the Korean language.

  • Industry Expertise

Every industry has its particular terminology and language. Working with a freelance Korean translator or untrained industry linguist will only backfire since he won’t be able to beat the technical translation challenge that differs from one industry to another.

In legal documents, for example, a freelance translator with zero legal industry experience will deliver inaccurate use of legal jargon and won’t be able to tackle different countries’ unique legal languages.

To avoid this mess of a scenario taking place, you should partner with a specialized Korean translation and localization agency with cross-disciplinary knowledge of different industries. Turning a blind eye to your specialization in the Korean translation project will, in the best scenario, cost you your target audience’s trust and, in the worst one, put lives at risk.

  • Market Knowledge

Every market has its specific nature: competitors, trends, regulations, etc. Working hand in hand with a Korean translation company will allow you to look deeply into the market’s specifics before taking any severe actions and put you on the best possible footing for succeeding in the Korean-speaking region.

Any half-decent translation and localization company will analyze your desired market and conduct market research before any other step to arm you with all the needed information, helping you gain access with ease and confidence.

  • Additional Services Package

Translating a document into Korean entails a significant step or service called DTP services (Desktop Publishing.) That area of expertise focuses on the documents’ design, formatting, and layout to fit in with the Koreans’ visual preferences. It’s about creating a visually appealing experience relevant to the target audience without losing the identity and design touch of the original document.

With an expert Korean language services vendor, you’ll be able to have it as a one-stand service or within the Korean document translation process. And with a team of DTP experts working on your project, you’ll get a robust result that reflects your personality and business’s purpose.

  • Wrapping Up

Operating in English in Korean-speaking regions can hold back your business and lead to dead-end results. To gain access to the Korean market and give a boost to your company, your relationship with your target customer in Korea, and revenue, professional Korean document translation services will be your only chance in the thriving Korean market.

Also, an expert Korean-based translation and localization company can pave the way for your success in Korea. Exceptional linguistic capabilities, deep cultural and market knowledge, and long-standing industry expertise are some of the benefits you’ll have when using professional help and partnering with a reputable Korean translation and localization agency.

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