Nourhan Khaled

Japanese Technical Translation
Investing in Japanese Technical Translation Services A Must or Pass

Whether you’re in the initial stages of planning to break through the Japanese market or already have taken serious steps towards your business expansion plan, you, for sure, have wondered about the importance of Japanese technical translation services.

Best Practices for Game Localization
Best Practices for Game Localization To the First Press of the Start Button

Game localization is the process of adapting for a different locale and audience, entailing all of their beliefs, culture, and regulations. It’s an intricate process that requires cautious steps in the right direction with the right assets. So, how does the process of game localization go?

What Is the Average Cost of Translation Services?
cost of translation services

The translations’ price counts on many factors. To get to the top in your business, you have to be aware of these factors and the average translation rates.

The Reasons Behind the Need for Professional Asian Translations
The Reasons Behind the Need forProfessional Asian Translations (1)

Without expert Asian translations, your business will definitely face a bleak future. AsiaLocalize will enlighten you about the reasons behind this fact.